The Shop offers different daily CrossFit workouts that we do in small class sessions, personal training, and nutrition coaching. Every workout can be modified according to each individual's needs and capabilities.
At The Shop we believe that working out is not something you should dread, but something you enjoy! It's about getting some time for yourself and sweating it out with other like minded individuals.
We originally named our gym "The Shop" because it was literally in our shop. Yes, it was half Daniel's shop and half Aly's gym! We have now moved to a new location on 1103. We are now CrossFit Cibolo, but we will always be The Shop! The Shop home of CrossFit Cibolo. We are the ShopLifters for Life!!!
Our goal is to help you to be 1% better everyday. We want you to enjoy coming in everyday. We want to keep our prices as low as we can while serving you the best we can! The Shop is our name, fitness is our game!